Monday, September 23, 2013

For the last year and a bit, I have been running. I don't know if I could really say that I've been a runner for the last year and a bit because I feel like there's this certain moment when you move from "trying" to run to runner. There's a right of passage somewhere along the lines, if you will. I feel like up until this past weekend I have been working on running, but never have I felt like I could turn to someone and say, "Ya, I'm a runner". Even after my half marathon, which just seems bonkers. After a half marathon you should feel like you have the right to call yourself a runner.

It was this measly little 5k, of constant, constant running without an interval in sight and without the need to keel over and die, that I felt like I could turn to someone and say, "I'm a runner".

It was my right of passage.

I am a runner.

And I like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Al, you're so awesome!I don't know how else to say it!!